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New to All Style Dance? We are offering a FREE trial class to anyone who wants to dance with us on Zoom.
Add code: ASDWFree at the checkout to get a FREE trial class!


TIMETABLE (updated Sept 2024)


MON 9.45am ALLSTYLEDANCE - Gentle with Deana £6.50 LIVE & £6.00 ZOOM (St John's Baildon)


MON 11am M1ND with Deana - Yoga-Lates stretch conditioning class £6.50 or £4.50 as a bolt on to All Style (St John's Baildon) NEW CLASS!


MON 7.00pm ALLSTYLEDANCE - Intense with Daniella & Charlotte £6 LIVE (AO Cottingley) NEW VENUE!


TUES 10.00am ALLSTYLEDANCE - Gentle with Deana £6.50 LIVE & £6.00 ZOOM (St Hugh's, Coach Road, Baildon) NEW VENUE!


TUES 6.30pm ALLSTYLEDANCE - Moderate with Joshua £8 ZOOM only


WEDS 11.00am ALLSTYLEDANCE - Moderate with Eleanor £6.50 LIVE only (Eldwick Memorial Hall) NEW TIME!




All LIVE classes are paid direct to the teacher.  Only book Zoom classes via our web.



WEDS 7.00pm ASDWTap - genre specific class - all levels £6.50 LIVE with Deana

Q20 Studios, Dockfield Road, Shipley


SAT 12.30pm ASDWBallet - genre specific class - all levels LIVE with Joshua

Pineapple Dance Studios, Covent Garden, London




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